Home Page

Welcome to the Worminghall Parish Council website, where you will find all kinds of information regarding our outstanding area and its wonderful community.

Date of Next Meeting

Please note that the next Parish Council meeting on 25th July has been cancelled.
The next meeting is therefore 12th September at 7.30pm.

Please forward any issues to


Worminghall News & Events Facebook Page

Worminghall Helpers

Funding for Young Entrepreneurs

Your local Community Foundation, Heart of Bucks is partnering with SWEF, a Charitable company set up by a group of entrepreneurs,  to make grants of up to £2000 available, along with advice and support from a network of experienced business professionals. The funders SWEF CIC and Heart of Bucks are committed to the principles of equity, so the priority for this fund is to support those with less advantage in their early life, who may not be able to generate funding from other sources.

You can see more details about the funding here: https://youngfuturesfund.org/funding/bursaries/   

A flyer can be downloaded here.

2022-2023 Annual Accounts

The Annual accounts for 2022-2023 can now be viewed here. The Notice of public rights to inspect runs from 30th June 2023 – 11th August 2023.

New Councillor

We are pleased to announce that Kate Tinkler has been co-opted onto the Parish Council.

Cost of Living Support

Help for residents across Buckinghamshire who may be requiring additional help or those looking for help and support for the first time.


It covers various types of financial support for coping with the increase in the cost of living.

Village Hall Website

The Village Hall now has a website.
Available to hire for clubs, groups, and one-off events.

For more information please goto www.worminghallvillage.co.uk


Please see the new web page under the Community tab. It gives full details of how you can help along with the latest NHS advice.


If you are a landowner with riparian duties to maintain the ditches, please ensure that the maintenance is carried out. Recent flooding could be attributable to poor ditch maintenance.

New Budget for 23/24 Approved

The Council have approved the budget for the next financial year. The budget means there will be a decrease in the precept.